
English eBook available on Apple iBookstore

The English eBook “European ICT Professional and his Camino de Santiago” is now available in the Apple iBookstore for € 3,99 ! You can now read the ebook on your iPhone, iPod or iPad.

Tap or click on the pictures below to order the ebook on the Apple iBookstore :

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Searching on title “European ICT Professional and His Camino de Santiago”

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Posted by Ramond - Monday July 29th, 2013 at 12:18 PM

Categories: Boek   Tags:

European ICT Professional his Camino de Santiago (English edition)

Dear Camino-pilgrims, friends and family,

My Camino de Santiago book is now available in English! I’m really proud of my third book! I appreciate when you share this with your friends…

European ICT Professional and his Camino de Santiago Cover English Edition

Here is a summary of my book:

Ramond de Vrede departs by train the 6th of July 2011 from Maastricht to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France.

7th of July 2011 he starts his biggest hike ever. Approximately 800 km from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to finish in Santiago de Compostella.

Pilgrimage. Getting back to your own self. Getting insight in what you want in life and more important what not. Modern pilgrimage offers this all. He used his notes of his journal so you can relive this journey with him.

As computer professional you deal a lot with logic, but is everything on the Camino de Santiago logical?

Ramond pushes his limits to see what the Camino de Santiago will do to him physically, mentally, spiritually and religiously.

In this open book he will take you on his pilgrimage. Life is one big path.

Which direction do you go? What do you want?

Read his experiences on this special ancient pilgrimsroute.

Buen camino.

It’s for sale in your bookstore or :

English Edition : 

European ICT Professional and his Camino de Santiago Cover English Edition









Dutch Edition :

cover Europese ICT Professional z'n Camino de Santiago

Posted by Ramond - Tuesday June 25th, 2013 at 02:48 PM

Categories: Boek   Tags:

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