Distance list per day

At the pilgrims office in Jean Pied de Port (F) I got a list of hostals. I had the same list from the Dutch genootschap van Sint Jacobus. Accidently I put the Dutch version in the trash and kept the French version. Oops. I had decided at home right away I use this list as my guide. Just walk from hostal to hostal was my plan. More guidance was not necessary. On this list you will see different names of villages or cities as they are French while I use the Spanish names in my articles. I took notes on this list with a pen and write where I was and how much kilometers I walked that day. I took also notes in my journal. The mentioned walked kilometers are just an estimation which I calculated from the distance between hostals but it’s pretty accurate.

When you click on the image you can read about that particular day.

Day 1 : 27 km walked.

Day 2 : 26,9 km walked.

Day 3 : 20,6 km walked.

Day 4 : 18,8 km walked.

Day 5 : 27,8 km walked.

Day 6 : 21,8 km walked.

Day 7 : 28 km walked.

Day 8 : 33 km gelopen.

Day 9 : 27 km walked.

Day 10 : 28 km walked.

Day 11 : 42 km walked.

Day 12 : 29,6 km walked.

Day 13 : 35 km gelopen.

Day 14 : 36,5 km walked.

Day 15 : 37,8 km walked.

Day 16 : 25 km walked.

Day 17 : 45 km walked.

Day 18 : 42,7 km walked.

Day 19 : 32 km walked.

Day 20 : 50 km gelopen.

Day 21 : 25,4 km walked.

Day 22 : 46 km walked.

Day 23 : 32 km walked.

Day 24 : 41,8 km walked.

Day 25 : 20 km walked.