17-07-2011 Villafranca Montes de Oca – Burgos

Today’s goal was getting as near as possible to Burgos. We are now in Burgos! 42 kilometers, approx 26 miles, walked! That’s a lot, that’s a marathon.

We are now in a little Hostal, named Lar. She didn’t speak English at all, her son was the owner and he wasn’t there today. Easy when you can speak Spanish. She liked it a lot I spoke Spanish to her. We got extra discount. I also asked where we best as pilgrims could go to dinner. She gave nice and good tips.

I had walked with the thoughts that you cannot turn back the past and cannot plan of guide the future. Proof came soon.

I sent a message to my dad that I walked those 42 km. He asked me to call him immediately.

Natascha had complications, internal bleedings. I should call around 21.00 for more news, he didn’t know more at the moment. Somewhat later I had Berrie on the phone. She was to the operation room. Bummer too late. Call after 20.00 Berrie said. I did so and spoke with her. Happy to hear her. A lot of stress.

Happy tomorrow is a new day. Huib supported me really well.

P.S. Short notes in my journal because of personal reasons

Photo and video gallery:

Hostal Lar in Burgos

Hostal Lar in Burgos

2011-07-17 Burgos Camino de Santiago

2011-07-17 Arrival in Burgos Camino de Santiago